Thursday, March 28, 2013

Teenage trouble...

     So, Savannah will be off the grid until furthur notice... No Internet, No facebook, No phone, No xbox live...Nothing that would consist of fun or friends or technology...
     Today after a long day taking Tori clear to wexford for a procedure we get home and I am exhausted, was gonna go straight to bed, but was met at the door by Savannah, who informs me that she receieved a one day Out OF SCHOOL SUSPENSION!!
     So of course the suspension will be Monday and we get home after everyone is gone for the weekend, so I couldn't even call and talk to the principal. I think the punishment far EXCEEDS the "crime". So Monday before i can start my first day of chemo at 9AM i will have to  call the school and deal with this!
     Let me just say a couple weeks ago a kid yelled the F bomb attached to another word addressing the male anatomy out in lunch which was heard by not just all of the students but be a teacher, who sent him to the office and he was given a one day lunch suspension, they didnt even call his parents. Another kid has had in school suspensions 14 times and has never been kicked out of school yet. Fighting happens daily in this school, it = ISS unless blood is drawn??!!
     My kids offense? Two days ago she was on a progrm on the school computer called study island, she was bored so she clickeed a link to allow you to message another student, the link did not work. But she looked down and saw a link to leave feedback on the site so she clicks it and proceeds to type "this program is stupid" then she typed some random Selena Gomez song lyrics and finished it off with the word BIATCH... not bitch, BIATCH...imagine her surprise when she clicked send and got a message reading "Congratulations your message has been sent" . Well she was freaked out but didnt think it would go back to the school. So anyways over the loud speaker the principal announces that the person who used profanity on study island would report to the office...So she goes , she was escorted by a security guard was not allowed to sit down and had to stand with the security guard between her and the secretary as if she was swome kind of criminal or threat... Mind you this is a child who gets excellent grades and has NEVER been in trouble before.
     I looked up the schoold policies this is a level 2 offense as it had to do with the computer but he could have given her luch suspension or in school suspension... She gets ONE DAY OUT of SCHOOL??? which to me is an extra bonus day added to her vacation...I would rather her have ISS and be stuck in that little room all day.
     And the worst part she is kicked off the honor society for having a disciplinary infraction...
    I am not opposed to a punishment as she should not have been goofing around but what in the heck allows kids to use the f word freely and fist fight daily and get a slap on the wrist and her kicked out of school  for such a minor thing???
     So, she was petrified when we got home because she didnt know what would happen as she has never been in trouble before, the look on her face almost made me think the worry and her horrendous day was punishment enough, but she will not be using technology till I talk to the principal and figure this out...

1 comment:

  1. RaeLee told me this happened to her and we were both shocked! The punishment certainly does not match the crime! That is sooooo terrible that she lost her spot in the honor society, I am so bummed about that! I hope u figure this out with the school. Let me know what u get accomplished!
